
A Voice Calls Out From the Desert

Text: Luke 3: 1-6 He shows up this time each year.  It might seem kind of confusing.  Here we are a few weeks from celebrating our Savior’s birth and this man named John shows up.  It doesn’t seem like he belongs.  Soon we’ll put up our manger scene. Mary, Joseph, the Child,  We think of  shepherds.  But we won’t have […]

Our Advent Prayer to begin a New Year

Text:  1Thessalonians 3: 9-13 According to our calendars January 1 is new years and it is.  But today is also a new year.  A new church year.  A new year of grace in our Lord Jesus Christ.  Peace be with you! Our church year always begins with the season of Advent.  And Advent means ____________?  It means coming.  Christ’s coming. […]

The Hope of Life Together as the Saints Triumphant

Text:  1Thessalonians 4: 13-18 Years ago, there was a great physician know for his healing skills.  Back then, many people could tell you how this man saved their lives.  Needless to say, the sick and suffering kept him very busy, So busy that he and his co-workers were exhausted by the end of the day. One day a man came […]

Remember Those Persecuted

Text:  Hebrews 13: 1-3 Today we remember there is a day to come.  We are one day closer than we were yesterday.  The Old and New Testament point to it.  The Day of the Lord.  Judgment Day when everyone who lives or who’s ever lived will have to stand before God’s Son. What will the Lord say to us? We […]

Who Then Can Be Saved

Text:  Mark 10: 17-27 I know a man who teaches firefighters and rescue personnel an important skill.  A building collapses.  People are buried in the rubble.  And if you or I would come upon that scene, we might say:  Who could be saved? It looks so hopeless.  But not always.  Sometimes a person is helplessly trapped under that rubble alive.  […]