
Shine Jesus, Shine

Text:  Acts 13: 38-49 There were times when our ship would go out on patrol in the North Atlantic.  We would board Russian fishing vessels 100-200 miles out to make sure they weren’t taking our lobsters.  We would be sent to rescue people from sinking boats.  We would stand watch, work long hours and do our best to deal with […]

Know Jesus

Text:  John 1:14-18 There are some persons it’s very good to know.  Work somewhere for a while and people will tell you.  Get to know that person.  He or she can help you, guide you, give you good advice. When I was thinking about college, I didn’t have a clue.  Neither did my mom or dad who had not gone […]

Be Strong, Your God Will Come

Text:  Isaiah 35: 1-10 Last Sunday, Karen and I went to the Christmas Pops concert at the Wells Fargo center.  It was great.  Even better, we didn’t have to pay.   Thrivent for Lutherans picked up the tab. During the concert we heard a few winter songs like jingle bells.  But for the most part we listened to the orchestra play […]

A Song of Ascents

Psalm 130 A song of ascents. 1     Out of the depths I cry to you, O Lord; 2          O Lord, hear my voice. Let your ears be attentive to my cry for mercy. 3     If you, O Lord, kept a record of sins, O Lord, who could stand? 4     But with you there is forgiveness; therefore you are feared. […]

I believe in the resurrection…

Text:  Luke 20 :27-38 I walked into the home.  I knew what I would find, at least what had happened there.  A man had died, a husband, a father.  Of course, there was sadness.  But I sensed something else. I sat down with the wife and asked her if she had a pastor or priest.  No. she  I then asked.  […]