
On the Road to the Promised Land

Text:  1Corinthians 10: 1-13 Last week, we met Jesus on the road to Jerusalem.  We met our Savior whose commitment to go the way the cross was unshakable.  He was that committed to his Father’s will, that committed to save us from ourselves that he traveled that road. And if you remember the movie, the Passion of the Christ, you […]

Facing the cross – We see a kind of power

Text: 1Peter 2:24 The young couple visited the church.  The wanted to know more so they enrolled in the pastor’s Bible information class.  Early on, the pastor found out they were living together and not married.          Now the pastor could have told them right off, that’s wrong.  You need to repent.  But he didn’t.  Instead he waited for the […]

Live Like Heaven IS Your Home

Text:  Philippians 3:17-4:1 Paul wrote this letter to Christians living in Philippi, a city in northern Greece in an area called Macedonia. It was different from the other cities in the area. It had been colonized and settled by Rome years before.  Many who lived there were retired Roman soldiers given land to live there.  So even though Rome was […]

Facing the Cross

Text:  Romans 5: 6-8 We put our cross up on the front lawn of the church last week. It’s big, meant to be noticed.   I wonder how many people walk past it or drive past it each day.  Probably quite a few.  I also wonder how many give it much thought.  It’s hard to know.  But I suspect that most […]

Melchizedek – A Mysterious Shadow of our Savior

Genesis 14: 14-20 We all know Abram.  Abram is Abraham before God changed his name as a blessed reminder of his promises.  But Melchizedek?  I remember the look on some of your faces when I mentioned his name last week.  Melchizedek?  Who’s he?  What’s he got to do with Jesus, our Savior?  Is this just going to some Bible history […]